
Updated News on Jon Gosselin

Jon with new “boy toy” morgan christie

I live near this guy and he even makes me nauseous

Ladies, when it comes to Jon, “Just say No!”
Who knew Jon was the jealous type. The very young Hailey Glassman (in case you don’t know who she is, she is the daughter of the plastic surgeon who operated on Jon’s ex-wife Kate) was caught on camera smooching and getting lovey dovey with celebrity boxing promoter Damon Feldman. About four days after the picture was taken, Jon saw it and flipped out on her. He then proceeded to push Hailey up against the wall violently and verbally attacked her. Hailey claims that she filed a police report after the incident occurred. She has allegedly retaliated by ransacking his apartment afterwards. He has threatened to file charges against her. But ther is no concrete proof that she did it and is speculated that he did it for publicity. She claims she did no such thing. I believe her. No one technically has been arrested in this case on either accounts. Personally, I think they were both acting like a couple of children. I guess Jon can dish out the infidelity, but he can’t take it. Sorry Jon what comes around goes around. Since this incident, they have parted ways and Jon is onto a new relationship. Boy he really gets around. Apparently this one is rich too. Can’t he keep it in his pants for any length of time? Hailey has gone on record to now side with Kate. I wonder how long Hailey will milk the media angle now that she is no longer with Jon. Maybe she will write a book about it. I wonder what women see in Jon? Money? Hmmm. He has 8 kids for child support and hefty alimony payment. He screwed himself out of steady income. So I wonder how long his money will actually last now that he is sitting on his ass partying it up. Good for Kate for kicking this guy to the curb. Maybe the ex’s of Jon should get together and form a support group. Within a short period of time since his separation to Kate, he has collected at least 1 ex wife and 3 ex girlfriends and 1 current girlfriend (for now). He cheated on Kate with Deana Hummel, then there was Kate the reporter, then Hailey Glassman, and now he is with Morgan Christie. Be careful Morgan, he is unemplyed and you are rich. Pretty soon, Jon will be able to make money doing PSA’s as a poster child for “STD”‘s. You are not Hugh Hefner dude. Slow down! It can’t be fun being the town joke. The song, “I’m just a gigalo” suits you to a “T”, Jon. Even Lyndsay Lohan’s father, Mike Lohan wants a piece of Jon Gosselin’s womanizing ass. He has made it emphatically clear that the way Jon treated the Kate Majot situation, pissed him off. Mike Lohan use to go out with Kate Major and still cares for her at some level. Even ex-con Mike Lohan has more respect for the women he dates. Lohan pubically challenged Jon at a press conference recently and if Lohan defeated Bobby Dolan this past Friday, Lohan has offered up $120,000 winner takes all challenge for Gosselin. I have been trying to find out who won this past Firday. I will update you as soon as I find out. I hope he did, just so I can see Jon get tossed around the ring, getting the “whoop ass” he deserves.

Mike lohan challanging jon


The “dirty” thief

The “Dirty” Thief

Back in 2007, the McKinnon family in Montgomery came back from vacation to find their home completely destroyed. Trash and debris everywhere and almost all of their belongings gone. Upon inspection of the home, they were startled to find that the man responsible for this was still hanging around. This pissed off family held the burglar at gun point until they could figure out what to do Continue reading ‘The “dirty” thief’


Jon Gosselin in the news again

Who knew Jon was the jealous type.  The very young Hailey Glassman (in case you don’t know who she is, she is the daughter of the  plastic surgeon who operated on Jon’s ex-wife Kate) was caught on camera smooching and getting lovey dovey with celebrity boxing promoter Damon Feldman.  It was taken about 2 weeks ago.  About four days after the picture was taken, Jon saw it and flipped out on her.  He then proceeded to push Hailey up against the wall violently and verbally attacked her.  Hailey was smart and filed a police report after the incident occurred.  I can only assume she kicked his butt to the curb afterwards.  She retaliated by ransacking his apartment afterwards.  He has threatened to file charges against her.  But no one technically has been arrested in this case on either accounts.  Personally, I think they were both acting like a couple of children.  I guess Jon can dish out the infidelity, but he can’t take it.  Sorry Jon what comes around goes around.


kate’s in cougartown

Boy, Kate is looking GREAT! I always thought she was beautiful. She was the only one that I knew of that could pull off an A symmetrical haircut like she had. She has made it abundantly clear that Jon was the one holding her back. She has proven herself to be a wonderful mother to eight kids. Most of us can’t handle more than 2 or 3. She has a nursing degree, starred in her own reality show. She wrote several books. She traveled promoting her books, even while the show was still running. She managed to handle herself like a lady throughout a very nasty, public divorce. She got herself a talk show. And now she got herself a new do. I have written and read many tabloid articles on the Continue reading ‘kate’s in cougartown’


simon says with american idol

I am not a big fan of American Idol, but I know a lot of people are.  The only time I really watch the show is when they are doing the auditions.  The auditions are absolutely hysterical.  I can’t believe what people will do for 30 seconds of fame.  Now even though I am not American Idol’s #1 fan, there are millions of people who faithfully tune in every season and every episode.  Continue reading ‘simon says with american idol’


Parenting a Teenager

I am a mother of three kids. Two of which are teenagers. One is a second grader. Take a wild guess who was the biggest suprise. My son is almost sixteen and my daughter is thirteen. My youngest daughter Continue reading ‘Parenting a Teenager’


Haiti Earthquake

On January 12, 2010 a massive earthquake hit the Haitian Islands killing thousands, crtically and wounding an uncountable amount of people.  It has knocked out telephone poles (including cell phone towers), knocking out electrical lines, and destroying buildings (including their capital building).  Many needed gov. officials for Haiti are unreachable at this point because they are missing, dead, or are critically injured.  Residents there have no idea that this earthquake is isolated to them right now because they have no way to communicate with anyone.  Many of them are terrified that this is the end of the world.  So far, there are over 45,000 Americans over there that are unaccounted for because of the lack of communication services.  Thousands of Americans are estimated to be there on vacation, honeymoons, hummanitarian efforts to help their already poverish nation, and at school.  There are thousands of Haitians’ that are over here in America and other countries traveling for the same the reasons that have no family or homes to come home to.  Because of the mandatory lock down for unessential people coming in and out of Haiti, they can’t even come home to find out the extent of devastation that they are facing.  I have seen the most horrifying photographs of the after math of this earthquake.  I have seen babies with crushed skulls, honeymooners Continue reading ‘Haiti Earthquake’


Taxidermy Isn’t Just For “Rednecks” Anymore

Over the years, taxidermy has earned a stereotype of being a hobby for the redneck at heart. The thought of the process of how they get their final product is a bit nauseating. After going to several competitions and speaking with several top world winning taxidermists, I have to admit, it is not at all what people picture in their minds when hearing the word. Every time I heard the work taxidermy, I thought of a Jeff Foxworthy, “you know your a redneck when…..” joke, beer drinking, NASCAR watching, picking lint from the belly button, down home redneck. But actually within recent years, this trade has proven itself to be more than just a hobby for most. There are taxidermist that have launched multi-million dollar corporations out of it. They go to competitions with body guards and pull up in limos like a Continue reading ‘Taxidermy Isn’t Just For “Rednecks” Anymore’


Foreclosures vs. Loan Modification

Its now 2010 and the economy hasn’t recovered enough for most people. Over the past few years, the home foreclosure rate has been terrifying. Many people built their dream with a new home for their family in the mid 90’s when getting mortgages became much easier for the blue collar working class.
During a time when families were reaping the benefits of Clinton’s hard work. Then the millennium came full force with a war destroying dreams, families, stability, and security. Then the unthinkable happened to America. 9/11 affected every home in the country; whether it was losing a love one to the tragedy, saying good-bye to a love one that had to go off to war to defend our honor, unemployment, homelessness, or stock market crash. From the beginning it seemed as though the only real help out of this crisis came to the wealthy with huge corporate bail outs. God only knows, they need to be able to continue their “caviar” lifestyle. All the while, the rest of the country is struggling trying not lose their jobs, their homes, and trying to figure out how to keep food on the table for their family. Did I fail to mention having to pay for these corporate bailouts out of the paychecks that we don’t know if we are going to have each week.
Unemployment and Foreclosure is a topic that is still a major issue and is one of controversy for many people. I have heard unnecessary comments from the media putting people down for allowing their home to go into foreclosure, as if everyone just bought a house and didn’t even try to keep up with the payments. I believe, for the most part, people want adequate paying work and pay their way through life. Typically, people like to have the “luxuries” of food, shelter, fuel, and clothes that only money can buy. I would say about 3/4th’s of the people I know have gone through, in, or nearing foreclosure of their home’s. They all have families and have had steady employment up until recently. One of the biggest problems that I noticed from my own personal experiences with my friends is that when things started to take a turn for the worse, before it became really noticeable to the public that there is a major problem starting, they were scammed into mortgages from companies like Ameriquest. From the time Ameriquest opened their doors to the time they were basically forced into closing, they preyed on good, hardworking people. In my friend’s situation with the company was, they lied to them about the terms of the mortgage. They were suppose to have a mortgage that was fixed for 3 years, once the term was up, they were to be called back into the office and as long as they made all of thier payments on time, they were to rewrite the loan to reflect that payment or a lower payment for the rest of the 30 years. They did not have a credit issue when they went with them. They just needed to refinance to rid themselves of a scrupulous company that was being dishonest with the payment postings. Every month, to prevent an issue, they had to send my payments certified to prove the time frame in which they received it. Ameriquest was more than willing to help them out of the situation immediately. What they thought they were signing at the settlement table was not the paperwork that was being submitted for legalities. Once the three years was up, they had no record of the conversation and said they would not refinance them, even though our payments were on time. They learned very quickly through this process, never go with a company that you can’t hire your own lawyer to handle the transaction. They came to the table with one they had on staff and he turned out to be shiester. They quickly tried to find a new mortgage company, but ran into a major issue that prevented us from being able to. Her husband was in an accident. He had to have a major operation, weeks of therapy to gain back the use of his hand, and he lost his job as a result of it. He is a laborer, so if he loses function in his main operating hand, he can’t do his job. He couldn’t even gain new employment as a result of it. He wasn’t able to get unemployment and they had no income coming in to pay for anything. The result of this caused thier mortgage to fall behind. Even though he was able to find employment within a couple of months and they caught up thier mortgage, there was enough damage done that they couldn’t refinance at that time. Thier mortgage with Ameriquest started to inflate. When they started with them, it was $1280, it then went to $1515, then $1750, then $2025, etc… There was no rhyme or reason to their increases, and it was monthly. They would let them know thier new payment amount about 10 days before it was due. By the time they couldn’t do it anymore, it was up to over $3000. This occurred within a year’s time. They sued Ameriquest and won. Yippie, right? Wrong. Millions of people sued them all for the same reason. So they were legally forced into a class action suit instead of a private one. They won $365. For real. No where enough to pay for anything relating to thier mortgage. During the process, they even tried to have thier loan modified with the new FHA program that was suppose to be designed to help people like them who was struggling to pay for a ballooning mortgage. It was suppose to stabilize thier payment so it wouldn’t increase anymore. At first they were approved. Two days before they were suppose to go to settlement, they were informed from FHA that since they fell behind in thier mortgage during that time, that they could not refinance with them. Huh? Wasn’t that what it was designed for? They couldn’t even sell thier home because this went on for so long and they had an older home, the house started going into disrepair. They couldn’t afford to have it all fixed. They did the best they could just to live there. The plumbing went, the doors started breaking, it was terrible. They could never sell it for what we owed. Even “We buy ugly houses” couldn’t afford to buy the mortgage. So when the news reported that people in foreclosure were basically low life’s because there is a way out, didn’t have all the facts. They were so sick to thier stomachs from hearing it everyday, they just started to avoid watching the news. They were left with no options other than losing thier home of 10 years. The only home that their kids ever knew. Now thankfully since they lost thier home and Obama came into office. There have been a lot of changes to the system. Obama has implemented new loan modifications. To qualify for these, you actually have to fall behind in your mortgage, but have a good reason why. Not because you decided to go on vacation. Unfortunately, a lot of people fell for those scam offers that came through the mail promising to take care of the mortgage for a fee. They had a lot of predators after them. Thankfully, the new loan modification program is not a scam. I do know a number of people who are taking advantage of it and its working out well for them. They lost thier home before this plan was in place, but if you are having a hard time making your mortgage payment, follow these steps into seeing if you qualify. What you need to do is, the first sign that you are having problems making your payment, call your mortgage company. Usually, they will tell you that before they can give you a definitive answer of whether or not you qualify, you actually have to fall behind. Now, because this is not a guarantee, to avoid the problems that I have seen other people go through, take the money you would have had to pay the mortgage company and put it aside. (Not in a bank acct because that is verifiable income), but buy up money orders for it or cashiers checks, they are good anywhere from 6 months to a year, then put them aside someplace safe, then when you haven’t paid the required amt of payments, give them a call and request all the information that you need. You will have to fill out a mountain of paperwork on multiple occasions, and you will have to stay on top of your bank to maintain their end because they are getting swamped with people right now doing this. They will give you a tentative amt that you will have to pay for about 4-6 months. This payment is always much lower than the payment you have been dealing with. Example, if you have been paying $800 a month, your new amt (based on the circumstance and your income) may be anywhere’s from $400 to $600 a month. The amt is never more than what you are currently paying. You can’t be one day late on this program, or you will get kicked off the program, and there is no guarantee that once the time frame is up, that you will be approved. This is why I say start on it before you are in hot water. If you have prepared yourself the way I said, you will avoid a lot of complications that I have seen others get themselves into. If you know your job is going to be doing some layoffs or look like they are in trouble, do it whiles you have stable income coming in. That way if after the tentative time frame, you haven’t been fully approved, you won’t go into foreclosure, you have the money to pay the back payments. Now if you get apporved for the program, your payment will reflect being around the amount you were paying during the trial period. This program has saved a lot of homes. It hasn’t saved all of them. Sometimes bankruptcy and foreclosure are the only option.


Give a pint, get a pint

Tacoma, Washington has got the coolest blood drive. The State BloodCenter, Cascade Regional Blood Services founded a promotion that would guarantee more participants. This past week, Cascade sent out their trucks to drive around town, recruit blood donors with offerings of beer. You give one pint, you get one pint. You get a coupon when you are done that isgood at a nearby participating pub or restaurant.
 Any participating vendor has been instructed to look at the time stamp on the coupon. The patron has to wait a minimum of four hours. But they had no problem agreeing, because more than likely the patron is going to buy other things other than their free beer. So its a win / win for everybody involved. The Blood Center gets their needed blood. The client / patron gets a free beer. (which I am sure is very popular). The vendors get extra sales. How can you go wrong. I am sure their blood drive numbers have increased by multiples. When is this truck coming to my town.

Let me know what issues and topics are important to you. This is your news. My contact information is StraightTalkWithTammy@gmail.com


Author: Tammy Downes

May 2024

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